Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What is SnackBlog?

Written by Snackblog

I know what it is, mainly because it is my brainchild. Mine. No shared custody baloney. This site is under my jurisdiction, judgement, and foot -- its basically going to be the best site (about snack), ever.

So, there it is. That's SnackBlog. A more perplexing question would be, "What content will SnackBlog have?" Yea, umm. I don't know, ever.

I'm hoping that its going to be an internet safe-haven for my unbridled love of snacks and all the elitism that somehow goes with it. Yes, I am a snack elitist. That is my title. You wouldn't call Eugene Anderson a, "Mr. Anderson", He's, "Dr. Anderson." If you fail to, he would probably stab you with his Mercedes key. I am a Snack Elitist. And if you fail to call me so in public, or private, I will probably laugh at your undistinguished can of crap you might call, "a soda" and indignantly sip on my refreshing Steaz organic green tea carbonated beverage. Oh, like a fruity mountain spring it is, with a light tea aftertaste, too.

I think Coca-Cola and Pepsi are as filthy as toilet water, and Doritos taste like the floor tiles of a bad Mexi-Resturant. I have a high taste, and a sharp motherf***ing wit. And in the name of snack, I will use it.

Let thy (SnackBlog's) will be done.

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