Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hemp. Food! Good!

Written by Eric

As a suffering college student with a minimal income, it's hard to find the time and money for excessive indulgence in the milk and cereal market. Admittedly, I was first drawn to Hemp Plus for its hippy novelty. Languidly perusing the aisles at Trader Joe's, my drug-addled brain snapped to attention when it saw a word related to the substance it was currently high on, and since the product was fairly cheap, and looked nutritious to boot, I figured I should give it a try.

I expected something bland, grainy, forgettable. Luckily, I was wrong. Hemp Plus is a delicious cereal, from the first bite. It's earthy, as I presumed, with a melange of oats, rice flour, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds. But it contains just the right amount of sweetness, via evaporated cane juice and organic molasses, to brighten the experience and resonate well on the palate. The aftertaste is hearty, and mildly sweet, like a fine granola bar.

Of course, it's important to note that this cereal is also damn good for you. Each half-cup contains 600mg of Omega-3 fatty acids, and 1800mg of Omega-6's. Good for the heart. And the soul. Maybe even the penis, who knows.

Hemp Plus is very similar in flavor and ingredients to most other granola-based health-conscious cereals, of which Kellogs SmartStart is probably the most recognized name. SmartStart is a fine cereal, with a stronger flavor, and some extra vitamins thrown in. But Hemp Plus's use of organic ingredients, cane sugar (as opposed to corn syrup), and, of course, HEMP, give it an earthy edge that just tastes and feels right. And the hemp seeds aren't just for style; they're actually extremely nutritious. Wikipedia tells us that "The proportions of linoleic acid and Alpha-linolenic acid in hempseed oil are perfectly balanced to meet human requirements for EFAs, including gamma-linoleic acid (GLA)... Hemp seed also contains 20% complete and highly-digestible protein, 1/3 as edestin protein and 2/3 as albumins. Its high quality Amino Acid composition is closer to "complete" sources of proteins (meat, milk, eggs) than all other oil seeds except soy."

If you aren't fond of the drugged-out hippy culture, you might be put off from trying foods which proudly proclaim hemp seed as a main ingredient. But please, even if you fall into this pointlessly narrow-minded set of humans, take my advice and give Hemp Plus a try. It's great for you, and the flavor is mild but delectable. Straight out of the box it makes a pleasant, addictive snack, and mixed with whole milk (don't drink reduced fat milk, it's a bunch of flavorless drivel) it's a perfect way to start your day.